This convention represents one of the largest travel & tourism related associations in Canada welcoming 500 delegates.  OMCA is the voice of private bus operators, inter-city bus lines and charter coach tour companies in Ontario.   100 Exhibitors participate in the “Marketplace” which is a premier event in Canada for the North American packaged travel markets.  Buyers and sellers meet face to face for 7 minute appointments to exchange information and develop new business.    Along with the educational programs and the marketplace, there is a large silent auction displayed and an awards dinner. 

From the Organizer:

As you know the Ontario Motor Coach Association recently hosted its annual Conference and Marketplace at the London Convention Centre from November 8th to11th. We just wanted to thank the London Convention Centre, your chef and your entire staff for the excellent service we experienced while we were in London. 

The food at the London Convention Centre was outstanding and ranks right up there with the best of the best from any Conference that we have held in the last 80 years of our existence.  

The London Convention Centre was a perfect venue and with the exceptional training and staff our expectations were exceeded. On behalf  of the staff, the OMCA Board of Directors and our convention delegates, thank you for your exceptional efforts to host our Annual Conference and Marketplace.

Ann Fairley, OMCA